


Acoustic Moments: Wildfire By Cautious Clay

Chetuno | May 11, 2021
Cautious Clay

Like a fire-lit blue with the heat of 1000 suns or more, Cautious Clay sits down to give an acoustic version of his latest single “Wildfire”. Clay has a breathy delivery that moves to and fro, it starts up, smashes, then builds again. As a songwriter and composer, Cautious has the ability to move like the tide, control of his voice is second to none. One of our favorite artists of all time, Clay will be releasing his debut full-length album Deadpan Love later this summer.

As you will see in this beautiful version of the song, Clay is known to be full of surprises. For those willing to see it through, they will be treated to an excellent flute solo by the champ. We can’t wait to see what’s in store for fans in the coming project. When it comes to an artist controlling his destiny, there is a lot to admire about the way this young man is handling his career. He’s as indie as it gets.

Cautious Clay

“‘Wildfire’ explores the fact that people’s intentions sometimes get lost in translation, good intention is not always enough to prevent people’s emotions and insecurities from spiraling. Subtle signals or cues can unintentionally ignite emotions—like a brush fire.”

Cautious Clay

Watch the “Stripped” performance below.

Written by Chetuno


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