


Cautious Clay Announces New Album Release Date

Chetuno | April 16, 2021
Cautious Clay

There are few albums more highly anticipated than the sophomore album of Cautious Clay. The Ohio native has been working his tail off making a name for himself with the release of several powerful singles. To date, Clay remains an indie artist, which is notable considering the level of success he’s been able to obtain. The release is scheduled for June 25th, the album will be titled Deadpan Love and has the following tracklist.

01 High Risk Travel
02 Shook
03 Karma & Friends
04 Strange Love [ft. Saba]
05 Box of Bones
06 Agreeable
07 Dying in the Subtlety
08 Why Is Your Clay So Cautious?
09 Artificial Irrelevance
10 Whoa
11 Wildfire
12 Spinner
13 Roots
14 Bump Stock

Clay collaborated with industry stand-outs like Tobias Jesso Jr., Jim-E Stack, and Daniel Nigro to complete the project. Cautious just released his latest single titled “Karma & Friends”. The video was directed by Jason Lester, produced by Laura Burhenn from Our Secret Handshake. The team did a wonderful job of keeping things honest, they stuck to the theme of the song without overdoing things.

Check out the video below.

Karma & Friends By Cautious Clay

Written by Chetuno


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