Must-Have Album Review: Far From Here By Emmit Fenn
With three successful EP’s under his belt, the California native Emmit Fenn has released his debut full-length album Far From Here. Emmit has a voice that is a throwback in terms of simplicity, sometimes less is more. Fenn has a voice that slides out of the music like long wooden Jenga pieces. The prolific instrument arrangements plucked into existence are out of this world.
Emmit Fenn is a singer/songwriter/producer from Berkeley, California. He started playing piano at the age of 12 as a means of distraction as his parents were separating. He later learned the guitar and violin and went on to study composition and music theory. Fenn is currently taking a break from school to follow his dreams. This project everything that he sacrificed to produce, everything is on the line and that’s why it’s so powerful. Sometimes you have to give something to get something. What Fenn is giving his fans is the entire world, that effort must be applauded and is always rewarded.
These are our favorite songs from the album.
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