


Must-Have Album Review: It’s All In Your Head By The Undercover Dream Lovers

Chetuno | April 24, 2021
It's All In Your Head Album Cover

Matt Koenig, otherwise known as The Undercover Dream Lovers is one of the most prolific musicians in the world. Matt takes his production prowess to a superlative plane of ascension. The debut album Its All In Your Head, released last year, is a brilliantly put-together symphony of electro goodness. Koenig, like many others, had his debut album planned to be released during the year of the pandemic. Unfortunately, the events of 2020 put Matt in a position where he couldn’t do live shows to promote, which is how everyone organically grows excitement about an album.

With that being said, the record is absolutely amazing. It has a little bit of everything in terms of production. Matt broke many rules and bent plenty more to produce a bountiful treasure trove of songs. The project is colorful with lots of moving parts, which is unusual for a one-man-band. The arrangements are very complex with a mixture of synth-chords, guitars, and keys.

Koenig also has a very unique falsetto voice. It has a youthful vibration that is lively and expressive. Because all the arrangements are done in-house, there is no separation between the expression of the instruments and the words.

Check out out our favorite songs from the project below.

The Undercover Dream Lovers

2. Soon Enough

4. Prison Of Love

Written by Chetuno


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