


Put Politics Aside, Use Music To Heal

Chetuno | November 19, 2020

This political season has been especially stressful to each and every American family due to the pandemic ravaging throughout the population putting every single one of us on an edge that we’d never even imagined we would see.


In some ways the political world has invaded our daily lives to a degree that not only has awakened the electorate, which is crucial to a healthy and transparent democracy but it has also almost completely decimated our social media, personal interactions, and even conversations at our dinner tables.


Although some of these conversations are productive, most of them aren’t, our mental health must be considered to be equally important to our physical health. we must not lose sight of how important it is to have daily experiences that encourage spiritual growth as well and impact us in a positive way.


Everyday most people wake up and engage in social media before they even get out of bed. Finding out who posted what, who liked what and who’s twerking today which has it’s own place keeping people mentally healthy, but there is something we all must realize. We are constantly being bombarded by ads that are chasing us down to initiate a response.

 Politicians need desperately to inspire anger in you because the research says that anger is the most likely emotion to get you off the couch and into the polling place. They need you to get engaged during the political season but you do not have to stay engaged every day of your life.



A higher percentage of voters participated in this presidential election than in any other in our history. That tells me that everyone who could play a role in the election actually did. We should all be proud of that. Acceptence of the things we have no control over is vital to mental stability. Another thing To be thankful for is the men and women who took their time to volunteer in those polling places during a pandemic and sacrificed the health of themselves and their loved ones to make sure that we all could vote as quickly and efficiently as possible.

A growing body of research attests that music therapy is more than a nice perk. It can improve medical outcomes and quality of life in a variety of ways. Reduction of stress and anxiety are the biggest needs that we have in today’s environment seething with political angst.


Scientists have found that music helps us heal from serious ailments such as cancer and dementia, imagine how good it would work on a healthy brain that has just had enough political news and social media drama.


The amount of access we all have to the music of our particular choice is off the charts. Not only can you find great music but you can also find great live performances, interviews, and videos of your favorite music artists you know, but also great access to ones you don’t.


A great way to connect with people is through music, a great song has a way of connecting generations to each other. It’s a great way to experience something special without the need to discuss, debate, and agree to disagree. You can just turn it up and get into the vibe that you wish. It’s basically a magic spell you can cast on yourself so make sure you utilize those cauldrons to get your stew on. While you’re at it make sure that you cast spells on your whole family, then go after your friends. Make sure that before you hit that goofy Facebook icon, you take some time to hear a song that makes you feel how you want to feel that day. When you set your own mood you feel so much better about what you’re doing.


Now is a great time to support your favorite music artist. Due to regulations most musicians have suffered great financial loss due to not being able to perform their craft. Most of them have been working their quarantined butts off to make an even better product to share with the world.


Even if you can’t get out to a show you can track down your favorite artists on social media and offer your support through clicks, likes, shares, and maybe buying a digital album or two. As just one of the unsung about victims in this whole thing they sure could use as much support as possible.

With us being so desperately in need of the therapy that music provides, it only makes sense that we offer our support while we heal. Another chance to work together to get through this is another gift to receive. Part of our mission here at Bubblingbox is to find music that moves our spirit and makes us feel some type of way. So much so that we want to share that experience with as much people as we can. A great way to have a great vibe in life is to always look for new music experiences that inspire happiness, we try to focus on music that does just that

Written by Chetuno


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