


Ruby Waters Deals Powerful “Blow”

Chetuno | April 16, 2021
Ruby Waters

Get the bag, get the bag. Ruby Waters is showing the world she knows how to do just that with her latest single “Blow”. This single is absolutely addictive, Ruby has a voice that goes marvelously with the melody of this record. Just the emotional content of this track alone makes it exceptional but what takes it over the top is the visual that it is paired with.

Directed by Stephen Trivieri, the team was able to create an extraordinary cinematic experience to go with the piece. On the Bonnie & Clyde side of the game, actors Clark Barcena, Natelise Ekland, and Ruby do a marvelous job of acting. Waters is remarkable in her ability to hold chemistry on camera with the other actors. It is unusual to see a musician with so much charisma that it transfers this well on a moving screen.

Check out the video below.

Blow By Ruby Waters

Written by Chetuno


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